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Pooleys Air Days 2025

Pooleys Air Days 2025 - expected to be 10th/11th May

Every year, Pooleys hosts an invitation only fly in at Compton Abbas Airfield (EGHA) in Dorset for their customers. Invitations are emailed approximately 2-3 weeks prior to the event. Space for landing aircraft is limited to around 70 per day and slot numbers are issued on a first reply basis. We do ask you to choose a 15 minute slot time as an estimate of your arrival time. We will be running the event over 2 days again this year.

Pooleys pays for your landing fees and all arriving pilots are given a free bag of pilot's equipment. We run some competitions during the day including a Concours d'Elegance and furthest distance flown. There are always some stunning aircraft to come and see.

Compton Abbas is a beautiful airfield now run by the Ritchie family. The airfield is always popular and the restaurant serves excellent food and drinks. Pooleys have hosted their fly in at Compton for over 25 years.

For more information on Compton Abbas Airfield, please visit www.comptonairfield.com

Here is a video from a previous Pooleys Air Day, courtesy of Sharpshotaero.com

Finally, here are a few words of thanks from those who have attended:

"I wanted particularly to thank you firstly for laying on the day and secondly for the amazing generosity of your "goodie" bag.  It was all very much appreciated by me and I am sure other attendees."

"I’d just like to extend my thanks to all of your team and the guys at Compton Abbas for a really enjoyable event. It was my first proper fly-in although I've been flying for a long time. It was very well organised, a beautiful airfield and a fantastic goodie bag from your good selves. So a big thank you to you all. I’ll definitely try and make future events."

"Thank you for a great day at Compton. I met a lot of old friends. Everyone was so friendly."

"Thanks for a really great day and so well organised."

"It’s us who should be thanking you for a superb day and for your generosity. A really enjoyable day out and great to be able to talk with Garmin as well.

Pooleys Air Day banner with aircraft in the background

Pooleys Retail Catalogue Winter/Spring Edition 2024

Pooleys Retail Catalogue Winter/Spring Edition 2024

To order your FREE copy of the latest Pooleys Retail Catalogue Winter/Spring Edition 2024 please click on the image above or link below.

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International Dawn to Dusk Competition - sponsored by Pooleys

International Dawn to Dusk Competition - sponsored by Pooleys

The International Dawn to Dusk Competition, now in its 60th year, provides a unique aeronautical challenge participating in a day's flying using an aircraft of the competitor's choice.

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Pooleys Charitable Support

Pooleys Charitable Support

At Pooleys, we believe strongly in giving back to the aviation community and giving those who would not ordinarily have the opportunity to experience flight, the ability to realise their dreams.

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