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Air Million Edition 2024 – Iberia (Spain/Portugal)

Pooleys stock code: CFR547

Air Million Edition 2024 – Iberia (Spain/Portugal)Image Id:205351
Air Million Edition 2024 – Iberia (Spain/Portugal)Image Id:205350
Air Million Edition 2024 – Iberia (Spain/Portugal)Image Id:205349

Update : AIRAC 03 (March 21, 2024)

Scale : 1:1,000,000

Spain, Portugal and Balearic Islands.

All useful information for VFR flight:

  • Airfields and microlight airfields
  • Airspaces between H05 and FL195 (controlled areas from class A to class E, restricted areas, military training areas…)
  • Natural sites
  • Radio navigation aids en-route
  • VFR routes and reporting points
  • Obstacles

Geographic and topographic informations, shaded relief

Dimensions: Folded 128 x 257mm / Unfolded 1,416 x 1,030mm

£19.50 £19.50 inc. VAT (Exempt)*

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