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Products: Enhance your Flying

Currently showing products 11 - 20 of 24 in this category

Making Perfect Takeoffs & Landings in Light Airplanes - Fowler

Pooleys stock code: FAA076

Learn how to develop total awareness for the situation, the airplane, and the self—and to convert that awareness into perfect takeoffs and landings.

 £17.50 including VAT (Exempt)  View details

Takeoffs & Landings - Collins

Pooleys stock code: FAA100

Leighton Collins' aviation classic provides expert, flight-tested techniques pilots need to takeoff and land safely, skill fully, every time.

 £17.95 including VAT (Exempt)  View details

You Can Fly! - Brown & Lippert

Pooleys stock code: FAA085

For prospective pilots, an exciting and informative introduction to the world of flying and flight training, profusely illustrated with full-colour photography by Tom Lippert.

 £17.50 including VAT (Exempt)  View details

An Aviator's Field Guide to Buying an Airplane

Pooleys stock code: FAA281

Practical insights for purchasing a personal aircraft.

 £12.95 including VAT (Exempt)  View details

An Aviator's Field Guide to Owning an Airplane

Pooleys stock code: FAA280

Practical insights for successful aircraft ownership.

 £12.95 including VAT (Exempt)  View details

Mountain, Canyon, and Backcountry Flying (Softcover)

Pooleys stock code: FAA122

Open up a whole new world of recreation by learning to fly, land and takeoff in remote and challenging landscapes.

 £36.95 including VAT (Exempt)  View details

Beyond Flight Training - LeRoy Cook

Pooleys stock code: FAA121

Adventures and opportunities for the newly certificated pilot.

 £18.95 including VAT (Exempt)  View details

Notes on the Tailwheel Checkout and an Introduction to Ski Flying - ASA

Pooleys stock code: FAA123
Manufacturer's part number: NTC

Burke Mees uses his decades of experience flying in Alaska to guide you through all the basic topics to develop tailwheel/ski competence.

 £18.00 including VAT (Exempt)  View details

100 Ways to Fly More and get more out of flying - Falcus

Pooleys stock code: BTG188

100 Ways to Fly More is an inspiring set of tips and advice for anyone who wants to get more out of flying and take it to the next level. It covers all experience levels and purposes of flying.

 £9.99 including VAT (Exempt)  View details

The Light Aircraft Data Book - 4th Edition

Pooleys stock code: BTG900

Des Armour and Edwin Shackleton New Colour Illustrations, includes homebuilts and microlights.

 £12.95 including VAT (Exempt)  View details

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Pooleys Retail Catalogue Winter/Spring Edition 2024

Pooleys Retail Catalogue Winter/Spring Edition 2024

To order your FREE copy of the latest Pooleys Retail Catalogue Winter/Spring Edition 2024 please click on the image above or link below.

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International Dawn to Dusk Competition - sponsored by Pooleys

International Dawn to Dusk Competition - sponsored by Pooleys

The International Dawn to Dusk Competition, now in its 60th year, provides a unique aeronautical challenge participating in a day's flying using an aircraft of the competitor's choice.

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Pooleys Charitable Support

Pooleys Charitable Support

At Pooleys, we believe strongly in giving back to the aviation community and giving those who would not ordinarily have the opportunity to experience flight, the ability to realise their dreams.

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