Nordian Airframes & Systems (A) (5D)
Pooleys stock code: NOR101/Share
Product description
EASA Syllabus - Edition 7.2
This book covers everything from the basic construction of a single engine aircraft to the most advanced fuel systems of modern multi-engine Jets. The book is easy and enjoyable to read, and it has nearly 200 colourful illustrations.
You will find topics like The Fuselage, Wing Structure, Tailplane, Hydraulic Systems, Landing Gear, Flight Controls, Pneumatic Systems, Ice and Rain Protection, Fuel Systems, Doors and Emergency Exits, Fire detection and Protection, Supplemental Oxygen Systems and Emergency Equipment.
Together with our books "Electrics", "Powerplant" and "Instrumentation", this book covers the curriculum in the subject "Aircraft General Knowledge" as required by the EASA ATPL syllabus.
Nordian Books are extremely well written addressing the knowledge and exam preparation needs. The contents are mapped to the EASA and JAA syllabus. Separate editions cover the needs of the two syllabi. The books are complete and exhaustive with around 4000 sides of content. They are well illustrated with over 3500 high quality images and tables ensuring easy understanding of the material.
Nordian was initially established by the Norwegian Government in 1989 as a National Flight Academy and later as the National Institute of Civil Aviation, a recognised carrier of Norwegian aviation expertise.
The main activities of Nordian now include development of modern training material and training systems, distance learning management and consultancy services within all fields of aviation training.
ISBN: 978-82-8107-106-0
Approximate number of pages: 300
Approximate number of illustrations: 200